Our Services

GSL in all it’s level committed to be your partner in
preparation of your product to meet the requirements.

We in GSL , consider our staff and company as part of global market working for the safety and the good of the consumer and to raise of quality of services and product in the Market  , that is why GSL in all its level commit to be your partners in preparing your product to meet the requirements and expectations of its target markets to guarantee the product safety and quality and speed up time-to-market. Our core services divided into two main services department offered with staffed by knowledgeable and experienced personnel.

Testing & Certification Services

Our testing and certification department , staffed by knowledgeable and experienced personnel, enable you the confirmed and the testing of the quality of your product and/or your services and enable you the access to the market through the several services we are offering such as the following:

Consultancy & Inspection Services

Our consultancy and Inspection Services department , staffed by knowledgeable and experienced personnel, enable you the confirmed access to market  through the certification in several level as system certification and/or product certification  to demonstrate that your products, processes, systems or services are compliant with either national or international standards and regulations.

We are proud to offer several level of inspection through our leading inspection and verification department services, for a whole range of services such us as pre-shipment inspection to control quantity and quality and checking the condition and weight of traded goods at transshipment, , to help you to covers the entire supply chain from raw materials and meet all relevant regulatory requirements across different regions and markets to…

  • Riyadh Office
  • Dammam Branch

PO. BOX 505, Al-Olaya, Prince Mohammad Bin Abdul Aziz Roadh (Tahlia Street), Riyadh 11372, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


+966 11 462 2926


+966 11 465 3560


info@gslksa.com Lab.info@gslksa.com


Dammam 32221, Building No. 2882, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


+966 13 845 1618


+966 13 814 3536


info@gslksa.com Lab.info@gslksa.com