
GSL is recognized by Ministry of Commerce and
Saudi Customs in Saudi Arabia.

Our testing services laboratories and department support you through the whole product chain, we are offering testing, product-development, and quality-control and certification services.

Our facilities in Saudi Arabia – Dammam city is authorized from ministry of Commerce in Saudi Arabia to test large range electrical and electronics products and equipment covering the 85% of consumer and industrial product in the market such as:

Household & commercial appliances

Lighting Products

Audio/Video Equipment

IT & T Equipment

Office Machines

Industrial Equipment

Cabling & Connection Products

Tools Equipment

Our Scope of testing

Our scope of testing cover a wide range of electric and electronics safety and performance tests according to international IEC, regional GSO and National SASO standards and cover more than 85% of electrical and electronics do IT product in the market , please refer as example for the below list of product our lab in Dammam can test it:

Habitual home appliances

Kitchen electrical appliances

Human and care appliances

Commercial electrical appliances

Other home appliances

IT appliances

Audio visual appliances

Offices appliances

Industrial appliances

Motor-Operated Electric Tools

Lighting appliances

Our Main Testings

And several other test related to our scope of accreditation

Our Recognition

GSL is accredited by Saudi National accreditation committee SAC  and we are working for the accreditation from Gulf Accreditation Council GAC (Member of ILAC).

GSL is recognized by the Ministry of Commerce in Saudi Arabia  , and Saudi Customs for testing electrical and electronics products and equipment imported from outside the kingdom and local in the market.

Our Equipment

Our Laboratories creating The Next Generation Of Electrical Technology

Global Scientific Laboratories (GSL) operates labs of well-equipped research and development laboratories staffed by highly qualified engineers to ensure that we can keep abreast of the latest developments in our industries.

We are engaged in various research and development projects that focus on the development of research and development projects that focus on developing test and examination methods development and management and renewable energy management systems.

Our lab is equipped with high developed testing equipment and our procedure and quality system follows the most restrictive international requirements. Our equipment includes

  • Riyadh Office
  • Dammam Branch

PO. BOX 505, Al-Olaya, Prince Mohammad Bin Abdul Aziz Roadh (Tahlia Street), Riyadh 11372, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


+966 11 462 2926


+966 11 465 3560


info@gslksa.com Lab.info@gslksa.com


Dammam 32221, Building No. 2882, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


+966 13 845 1618


+966 13 814 3536


info@gslksa.com Lab.info@gslksa.com